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Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 295/2000922. 12. 2008Vězeňská služba České republiky352 969,00291 709,91352 969,00291 709,91CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailVězeňská služba České republiky352 969,00291 709,91CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

Spr 295/20009202430 433,0025 151,24
Spr 295/200092023437 158,00361 287,60
Spr 295/200092022319 613,00264 142,98
Spr 295/200092021245 957,00203 270,24
Spr 295/200092020272 198,00224 957,02
Spr 295/200092019335 277,00277 088,42
Spr 295/200092018352 969,00291 709,91